Join us during CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK as we “Make A Joyful Noise” to support our Catholic schools in the Diocese of Allentown!
Check out the talent, energy, and creativity bursting from these videos that our schools have put together to showcase their SCHOOL SPIRIT…
Want to join in the fun? VOTE (by donating) for your favorite video and help your favorite school (or schools!) rise to the top. (But hurry! Voting closes February 23!)
All donations count as a vote and benefit the school you choose to support. You can vote as many times as you want.
Pass it on to your family, friends and community! Go ahead, dance, sing, clap, donate and MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE!
Amy Impellizzeri & Valerie Versmee
Office of Education/Diocese of Allentown
PS: Special thanks to the talented De Sales University TV and Film students who dedicated time to produce videos for some of our schools.